Chinese Tanker BUSTED With ‘Tons’ Of American Body Parts in the Hold

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Chinese Tanker BUSTED With ‘Tons’ Of American Body Parts in the Hold

Post by brwn » ... -the-hold/

Chinese Tanker BUSTED With ‘Tons’ Of American Body Parts in the Hold

Body brokers are using Chinese transportation to move body parts of Americans all around the world. One recent shipment contained three tons of body parts valued at $67,204 in a container that was kept at 5 degrees to keep the parts from spoiling.

The families of the deceased didn’t realize that their loved ones’ parts were being sent all over the globe. Some say they might not have minded if they had been told about it when they signed but others were very upset as you may well imagine.

Body brokers were using the lax regulations to ship heads, shoulders, knees and toes. Hey, that would make a catchy song title, wouldn’t it? The parts were sent to countries such as Mexico, China, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, among several other countries. In Germany, plastic surgeons use the heads to practice new methods.

Brandi Schmitt, who directs a body donation system at the University of California, told reporters:

“There are people who wouldn’t necessarily mind where the specimens were sent if they were fully informed. But clearly, there are plenty of donors that do mind and that don’t feel like they’re getting enough information.”

Federal authorities raided Oregon-based MedCure in November and that set off the investigation.

According to The Daily Caller,

Families of those on in the ships were shocked to hear that their husbands, fathers, and daughters were shipped overseas.

Marie Gallegos, whose husband’s head was shipped to a dental school in Israel months after he died of a heart attack, told reporters that she “should have read the fine print” of the forms she signed allowing his parts to be donated for science and research.

Had I known that my husband’s head was over there, I would have waited to have the ceremony,” she said. “If they really wanted my husband’s body for these purposes, they should have told me upfront and verbally.”

Some of the body brokers such as International Biological Inc (IBI), owned and operated by businessman Arthur Rathburn, had filthy conditions at their facilities and it is suspected that they sent out body parts contaminated with HIV and hepatitis, which could infect those handling the parts.
It was discovered when customs found a shipment of human heads being shipped to Mexico.

Some people will do anything for a buck.
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Re: Chinese Tanker BUSTED With ‘Tons’ Of American Body Parts in the Hold

Post by kestrel9 »

It's good to let people know that this story is from 2018. Please check SearchVoat Archives and then see if you can find any or new news/angles regarding the companies/persons involved and how they might relate to Pizzagate. ... um=on&b=on

EDIT: It's also worthwhile to look for info such as
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Re: Chinese Tanker BUSTED With ‘Tons’ Of American Body Parts in the Hold

Post by brwn »

Mitch McConnells family 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Good ideas. I’ll look
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Re: Chinese Tanker BUSTED With ‘Tons’ Of American Body Parts in the Hold

Post by EricKaliberhall »

Hey brwn!

I moved this submission from v/pizzagate to v/news. I hope you understand!
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Re: Chinese Tanker BUSTED With ‘Tons’ Of American Body Parts in the Hold

Post by brwn »

No worries
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Re: Chinese Tanker BUSTED With ‘Tons’ Of American Body Parts in the Hold

Post by brwn »

Add on : Chinese Tanker BUSTED With ‘Tons’ Of American Body Parts in the Hold

Six people including several doctors have been jailed in China for illegally harvesting organs from accident victims.
The group had tricked the families of the deceased into thinking they were making official organ donations.
They removed the livers and kidneys from 11 people at a hospital in Anhui province in one year. The trafficking ring included four high-ranking doctors, some of whom worked in organ procurement in hospitals. they would target car crash victims or patients who suffered from cerebral haemorrhage at the Huaiyuan County People's Hospital in Anhui.

The hospital's head of the intensive care unit, Yang Suxun, would approach a patient's family members and ask if they would consent to donating …..,The family members would sign fake consent forms. The person would then be wheeled out of the hospital in the middle of the night, and put into a van made to look like an ambulance where doctors would remove the organs. The organs would then be sold to individuals or other hospitals, prearranged.They were eventually found out.

Leading kidney transplant surgeon from Israel has been arrested in Turkey on suspicion of involvement in an illegal organ transplantation ring that performed operations at a private hospital in Istanbul.
Zaki Shapira, former head of the transplant centre at Rabin Medical Center, was arrested in the course of a gun battle at the hospital. Turkish doctors and hospital staff were also arrested.The Israeli foreign ministry confirmed Professor Shapira's arrest and said that he is being advised by the consulate.

Six doctors denied running an illegal organ transplant clinic in Kosovo in a case that has been linked to an international network of organised criminals. Details of the allegations against doctors involved in the Medicus clinic, emerged at a confirmation hearing in the city’s district court.
EU prosecutor told the judge that Russians, Moldovans, Kazakhs, and Turks were lured into the capital “with the false promise of payments” .Between 20 and 30 “donors” are taken to the clinic where their kidneys were removed.

some of Kosovo’s most high profile physicians….

Lutfi Dervishi, who stands accused of setting up the clinic with his son, Arban, is one of the country’s premier urologists.
Four local anaesthetists are co-defendants in the case. Kosovo’s former permanent secretary in the ministry of health, Ilir Recaj, is accused of abusing office by giving the Medicus clinic a false licence to conduct organ surgery. He has maintained his position at Pristina University Hospital despite his arrest for charges relating to human trafficking and organised crime.

The chief executive, medical director and three other doctors at a prestigious Indian hospital have been charged with offences related to illegal organ transplants after a kidney trafficking racket was uncovered.
Operating out of the private L.H. Hiranandani Hospital in Mumbai, the organ harvesting ring was busted by police following a tip. The five doctors were arrested after police had examined the findings of a government inquiry . “Two days ago, we got the report from the director for health services for Mumbai. There were charges made against these doctors such as negligence under the 1994 Transplantation of Human Organs Act,” . Police arrested them Along with Fourteen so far, including a donor, a recipient and middlemen.

Police discovered a similar racket operating out of the reputable Indraprastha Apollo Hospital in the capital New Delhi.
A shortage of organs for transplants fuels a black-market trade in body parts in India.
Commercial trade in organs is illegal in India and only relatives can act as donors. After a
worker informed them of suspicious documentation for a scheduled operation for which a woman was donating a kidney.
They raided the hospital during the operation and found the couple were not married and the donor was in fact an impoverished rural woman.

Dudhe said the five doctors are charged under a section of the law that holds hospital management responsible for offences committed under their watch. They are also charged for failure to meet the recipient and donor to explain the risks of surgery. ... SKCN10M0BN

One of the difficulties with organ trafficking is the participation of the medical field and medical professionals in maintaining the industry . Doctors, nurses, ambulance staff, and entire hospitals participate in illegal organ harvesting and transplanting.

many U.S. hospitals do not have vigorous enough procedures for looking into the source of the organs they transplant because such operations are lucrative.

Planned Parenthood Official admitted to harvesting aborted fetal parts for the purpose of selling them to human tissue procurement companies.
One email shows that ABR was working with doctors who abort babies at late term. Some scientists claim that the use of fetal tissue is “necessary” for vaccines and other medical research.

The Univ of Pittsburgh is the same place where researchers implanted second-trimester aborted babies’ scalps onto rodents to study the human immune system.
The federal gov gave the Univ of Pittsburgh at least $2.7 million to become a “tissue hub” for aborted baby body parts for scientific research.

The Select Investigative Panel of the Energy and Commerce Committee report highlighted 27 universities in the United States who purchased body parts from for experimentation. Among those listed is the University of Miami, Florida. panel investigators found just how deeply entrenched many of the nation’s top universities are in the abortion industry.

Many taxpayers would be outraged that many doctors [abortionists] serve concurrently on medical school faculties and abortion clinic staff.
Their dual roles mean not only that clinics gain the services of some top medical school faculty, but that medical schools are desensitized to the fundamental contradiction of medical care and abortion

The list of universities on the list of those ordering and using tissue for research contains the names of some of the most prestigious institutions of higher learning in the country: Baylor, Dartmouth, Duke, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Ohio State, Stanford, UCLA, University of Michigan, University of Miami, Vanderbilt, Yale,

Baylor College of Medicine
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Columbia University Medical Center
Colorado State University
Dartmouth University
Duke University
Drexel University College of Medicine
George Washington University
Harvard University
Indiana University
Johns Hopkins University
Medical College of Wisconsin
University of Connecticut
University of Illinois
University of Massachusetts
University of Miami
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pennsylvania
University of South Carolina
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin
Vanderbilt University
Yale University

It would of been great to find more info on these universities ……..
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